Friday, 29 July 2016

Chip Ervin - How to Make Your Image Work for You as a Broker

Chip Ervin is an insurance broker, a poker player, and a DJ. He knows how important it is to have an image in a professional career.
                                        Chip Ervin
To be perceived as a successful broker you need to convey the image of a successful broker. Individual appearances should be subject to the same image concerns as your location of business and advertising.

Some insurance brokers brag about coming to work in flip flops and shorts but then are surprised that affluent clients and corporate customers are not treating them seriously. 

The difference between shorts, jeans, and a suit does matter. 

Is it fair? Of course, it is not fair at all. However, this is how life works. The saying “do not judge a book by its cover” exists because we all judge books all the time by their covers, people by their appearances, and places of business by their marketing. 

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be successful?

This is a defining question not just for insurance brokers, but for business people in any field. Answering this question is a challenge that requires total pragmatism, a realistic worldview, and giving up excuses. 

Notice that the above question does not suggest playing a game of being a political chameleon, changing what you say or do, minute by minute, client by client, and audience by audience. There has to be congruency to how you conduct business. There has to be a collection of beliefs and principles that do not change. At the same time there are many things that can be easily tweaked that will take you to success faster. 

Getting impressive results in sales is possible, and Chip Ervin is a great example of that.